Date: 22.12.2023

by Antoni Majewski

Betsson AB Announces Board Nominations and Fee Proposals for 2024 AGM

The Nomination Committee of Betsson AB has revealed its proposals for the upcoming Annual General Meeting (AGM) scheduled for May 7, 2024. These proposals pertain to the election of the Board of Directors and the resolution on Board fees, marking a significant moment in the company’s governance.

The Nomination Committee has recommended the re-election of all current members of Betsson AB’s Board. The proposed list includes Eva de Falck, Peter Hamberg, Eva Leach, Pontus Lindwall, Johan Lundberg, Louise Nylén, and Tristan Sjöberg. This continuity suggests a vote of confidence in the existing board’s performance and strategic direction.

A key proposal from the Nomination Committee is the re-election of Johan Lundberg as the Chair of the Board. Lundberg’s continued leadership will aim to provide stability and maintain the current strategic direction of Betsson AB.

Board Fees Increase Proposal

The committee has proposed a 10 percent increase in Board fees, noting that these fees have remained unchanged since 2021. This increase is suggested to reflect the evolving market conditions and the responsibilities carried by the Board members. It is also noted that Pontus Lindwall, serving as the CEO of Betsson AB, will not receive any Board fees.

The Nomination Committee of Betsson AB consists of Jenny Rosberg, representing Hamberg Förvaltning AB, Ingela Kling, representing the Kling Family, and Mats Axell, representing Knutsson Holdings AB. This committee plays a critical role in shaping the governance and strategic oversight of the company.

Availability of Information and Proposal Details

Further details about the Board members can be found on Betsson AB’s website, providing transparency and insights into the expertise each member brings to the Board. The complete proposal of the Nomination Committee will be presented in the notice of the Annual General Meeting. Additionally, the committee’s motivated statement will be available on Betsson AB’s website in conjunction with the issuance of the notice.

Our Comment on the Article

The proposals put forward by the Nomination Committee of Betsson AB for its 2024 AGM signify a strategic move to maintain leadership stability and acknowledge the increasing demands on Board members.

The re-election of the current Board and the proposed increase in Board fees reflect the company’s commitment to strong governance and fair compensation for its leadership. These decisions are crucial as Betsson AB continues to navigate the competitive and fast-evolving online gaming industry.