Date: 17.04.2024

by Kajetan Sawicz

Last update: 08.05.2024 12:26

Broad Support in Lithuania for Gambling Ad Ban, Survey Reveals

A recent survey commissioned by Lithuania’s state broadcaster LRT televizija reveals significant public backing for a proposed ban on gambling advertisements.

Conducted by Baltijos tyrimai, a leading market research firm, the study indicates that a majority of Lithuanians, particularly women and older adults, favor stringent measures against gambling promotions.

Strong Public Sentiment Against Gambling Ads

According to the survey findings, a robust 80% of Lithuanians aged 18 and over are in favor of completely prohibiting gambling ads.

This attitude is even stronger among women, with 86% supporting the ban compared to 72% of men. The support increases with age; 84% of those over 50 years old advocate for the ban, highlighting a demographic trend towards stricter gambling regulations.

The poll also uncovered that individuals with education beyond the secondary level and those with a monthly household income of up to EUR 1,100 are more likely to support the ad ban. These results suggest that socioeconomic factors play a significant role in shaping public opinion on gambling activities.

Current Regulatory Environment and Future Prospects

Lithuania has already implemented strict regulations on gambling promotion, leading to numerous fines by the national gambling regulator in recent years.

Despite these regulations, the gambling industry in Lithuania saw revenues soar to €222.2 million in 2023, more than doubling the figures from 2020. This financial growth occurs amidst legislative discussions that began in mid-March, aiming to enforce a total ban on gambling advertisements, including sponsorship deals, starting from January 1, 2025.