Date: 04.07.2024

by Mateusz Mazur

Crafting Ancient Greece: How ELA Games Studio Created The Design Magic of Cash of Gods

At the heart of the online gaming revolution stands ELA Games. In this studio, hardcore gamers and self-professed geeks channel their passion into creating groundbreaking slots, innovative skill games, and creative betting experiences. This small but mighty team is driven by a shared vision to push the boundaries of game design, combining their love for gaming with unparalleled creativity.

David Fall, the Business Development Manager of ELA Games, embodies this ethos. With a background in streaming and a deep understanding of what players crave, David is uniquely positioned to guide the studio’s creative direction. Today, he shares previously unrevealed concept art from one of ELA Games’ most popular titles, Cash of Gods, providing an exclusive glimpse into the meticulous design process that makes their games stand out in a crowded market.

The Secrets Behind the Success

Amazingly, this groundbreaking game was brought to life by a small yet dedicated team of three. With just one art director and two artists, the team initially focused on creating visually stunning games. But how did they launch such a breakthrough with such a modest crew?

The answer lies in several fundamental factors that drive their work: intricate storylines, diverse mechanics, captivating artwork, and music, all influenced by the artists’ mood, inspiration, and personal preferences.

David Fall, Business Development Manager of ELA Games, highlights, “The small team’s synergy and shared vision were crucial. Each member brought unique ideas and expertise, ensuring every aspect of the game was polished and engaging.”

The creation process begins with selecting a design concept. For Cash of Gods, the team decided on a beautiful, bright, and luminous theme inspired by ancient Greek gods. Developing these concepts required collecting various materials and overcoming numerous challenges, particularly in designing numerous intricate elements, which demanded long hours of meticulous work.

Another challenging yet crucial aspect is developing an intricate storyline. The team generates ideas internally, often using AI for idea generation. However, personal preferences and the team’s unique artistic vision play a significant role in shaping the final product. “ELA Games’ goal was to create an immersive experience where every visual and narrative element resonated with players, drawing them deeper into the game,” explains Fall.

Inspiration often comes from simple, everyday experiences. For example, the idea for another popular game, Lucky Dwarfs, came while the team was playing the board game Saboteur. Additionally, the team believes in rituals to drive their creative process, one of which includes playing video games together to spark new ideas.

A Success Story in the Streaming World

ELA Games’ commitment to quality design and immersive gameplay has not gone unnoticed. Their game Kraken Bay was shortlisted for “Slot of the Year” at the SBC Game Developer Awards 2024, showcasing their talent and innovation within the industry.

In June 2024, during a live event, SlotsHub’s popular streamer Marios Kritharidis, also known as SonOfZeus, played Cash of Gods and Lucky Dwarfs, drawing a large audience. Following this stream, traffic to these games doubled, and overall traffic to ELA Games’ titles increased by 20%. This success is attributed to the hardworking team who are passionate about and enjoy what they do.

David Fall, a former slot streamer himself, shares, “Seeing Marios play our games was a proud moment. His genuine enthusiasm and the audience’s reaction validated our hard work and creative efforts.”


Cash of Gods exemplifies what a small, dedicated team can achieve with passion, creativity, and a bit of inspiration from the simplest things. As the game continues to capture the attention of players and streamers worldwide, ELA Games stands as a testament to the power of creativity and collaboration in the gaming industry. The studio’s focus on colorful, quality design continues to set them apart, driving their success and garnering well-deserved recognition.

About ELA Games

ELA Games is an innovative slot provider in the iGaming industry, geared towards creating an immersive experience for players through their engaging slots. Since its formation in 2021, it has been working to establish a strong reputation in the sector through its games’ top-quality graphics, highly interactive nature, and innovative gameplay. In under a year, the game provider has produced 28 games for players’ enjoyment. They aim to provide a safe and fun gaming experience for all our players while creating the hottest game titles to appeal to every player out there.