Date: 12.12.2023

by Mateusz Mazur

Esports Entertainment Group Announces Suspension of Dividend Payments on Preferred Stock

Esports Entertainment Group, a prominent global iGaming company and business-to-business esports content and solutions provider, has recently made a significant announcement regarding its financial strategy.

The company’s Board of Directors has decided to suspend the monthly cash dividend on its 10% Series A Cumulative Redeemable Convertible Preferred Stock, starting from the dividend that was due in December 2023.

Details of the Dividend Suspension

The suspension of the dividend payments, as announced by Esports Entertainment Group, will affect the Series A Preferred Stock. This move marks a strategic shift in the company’s approach to capital allocation and investment.

The decision to halt these payments comes as the company looks to redirect its financial resources more effectively to drive growth and shareholder value.

Alex Igelman, the CEO of Esports Entertainment, explained the rationale behind this decision. He stated, “We are temporarily suspending the dividend on our 10% Series A Cumulative Redeemable Convertible Preferred Stock, as we believe we can effectively reinvest the capital in the business in order to drive the greatest return on capital for shareholders. This is an exciting time for Esports Entertainment, as we execute on our turnaround strategy and position the Company for long-term success.” Igelman emphasized the company’s focus on executing its turnaround strategy and positioning for long-term success.

Financial Performance and Dividend Policy

It’s important to note that the company fulfilled its commitment to the November 2023 dividend, as announced earlier on November 3, 2023.

In line with the terms of the Series A Preferred Stock, the unpaid dividends will continue to accrue. The management and the board of directors plan to closely monitor the company’s financial performance to determine the right time to reinstate the dividend.

Our Comment on the Article

The decision by Esports Entertainment Group to suspend dividend payments on its Series A Preferred Stock signifies a strategic pivot towards reinvestment and long-term growth. In the ever-evolving landscape of iGaming and esports, such moves are not uncommon, as companies often need to reallocate resources to stay competitive and innovative.

While this may cause immediate concern among some investors, the company’s focus on reinvesting capital for higher returns could potentially lead to greater long-term benefits for shareholders. This approach reflects a prudent financial strategy, particularly for a company in a dynamic and rapidly growing industry like iGaming and esports. It’s a reminder that in the world of high-tech and high-stakes gaming, agility and strategic foresight are key to enduring success.