Date: 16.02.2024

by Antoni Majewski

First Look Games Teams Up with ESA Gaming for Enhanced Slot Promotion

First Look Games, the acclaimed marketing platform known for its innovative collaborations, has expanded its partnership network by onboarding ESA Gaming, a boutique independent content developer. This strategic alliance is set to bolster ESA Gaming’s visibility and player engagement as they roll out their ambitious 2024 lineup of unique slot titles.

Innovative Marketing and Asset Sharing

ESA Gaming now has access to a fully branded library on the First Look Games platform, where it can manage and distribute essential game information and promotional assets to an extensive network of approved affiliate partners. These assets, including game sheets, logos, images, and videos, are made readily available for affiliates to craft compelling previews and reviews of each game.

The partnership also brings sophisticated technological solutions to the forefront, with First Look Games enabling ESA Gaming to provide demo links for each game. Player verification is seamlessly handled by 1account, ensuring compliance with regulations in various markets and allowing players to enjoy demo spins before wagering real money at online casinos.

Controlled Asset Management and Early Access

ESA Gaming retains full control over its First Look Games library, dictating the timing and availability of its shared assets. The platform’s flexibility also allows ESA Gaming to grant exclusive “first look” access to select affiliates, building hype and anticipation for upcoming game releases.

Elliot Resnick, Managing Director at First Look Games, praised ESA Gaming’s creative content and expressed enthusiasm for the collaboration: “By partnering with First Look Games, the studio can connect with players the best affiliates in the business and promote games to highly engaged audiences looking for the latest content to play.”

Thomas Smallwood, Head of Marketing at ESA Gaming, acknowledged the challenges independent studios face in a competitive market: “As an independent studio, we have the freedom to create truly unique games but driving awareness of our titles can be tough given the stiff competition we face from the industry’s power players.”

Commentary: A Game-Changing Collaboration

The collaboration between First Look Games and ESA Gaming represents a game-changing opportunity for the independent developer to amplify the reach and appeal of its innovative slot games. By utilizing the cutting-edge marketing tools and affiliate network of First Look Games, ESA Gaming is poised to capture the attention of players and stand out in the crowded online gaming marketplace.

This partnership exemplifies the power of strategic marketing platforms in elevating the profiles of boutique game developers and bringing unique gaming experiences to a broader audience.