Date: 09.04.2024

by Kajetan Sawicz

Gaming Innovation Group Announces Strategic Board Nominations Amid Business Split

Gaming Innovation Group Inc. (GiG) is taking significant strides in its strategic restructuring with the planned split of its Media and Platform businesses. In light of this pivotal transition, the GiG Nomination Committee has meticulously reviewed and proposed distinct board compositions aimed at optimizing growth for each entity.

Strategic Division for Enhanced Focus

GiG Media will persist under the existing corporate umbrella of GiG, ensuring continuity and stability. On the other hand, GiG Platform is set to be spun off and distributed to GiG shareholders later in the year, marking a significant milestone in GiG’s strategic roadmap. This division allows each business unit to sharpen its focus, tailor its strategies, and harness growth opportunities more effectively.

The Nomination Committee has confirmed that the majority of the current GiG board members will transition to the inaugural board of GiG Platform, with Karolina Pelc stepping down due to other commitments. The proposed board for GiG Platform boasts a wealth of experience, with Petter Nylander as chairman and Nicolas Adlercreutz, Mikael Riese Harstad, Hesam Yazdi, Tomasz Juroszek, and Steve Salmon as board members, bringing diverse expertise to steer GiG Platform towards its ambitious goals.

Nomination Committee’s Proposal for GiG

For GiG’s ongoing operations, especially GiG Media, the Nomination Committee has recommended a board of five members for approval at the 2024 Annual General Meeting. The proposal includes the reelection of Mikael Riese Harstad and Hesam Yazdi, with Cristina Romero de Alba, Mateusz Juroszek, and Nicholas Batram joining as new members, bringing fresh perspectives to the board. Mikael Riese Harstad is nominated as the Chairman, promising strong leadership for GiG’s next phase.

The proposed board members bring a rich tapestry of global experience, from M&A and regulatory expertise in the gambling sector to strategic growth and technological innovation. Their diverse backgrounds are poised to complement GiG’s vision of becoming a leader in the iGaming industry, with a particular focus on expanding into promising markets like LATAM.

Our Comment on the Article

The strategic restructuring and board nominations announced by GiG underscore the company’s commitment to adapting and thriving in the dynamic iGaming industry. By dividing its operations into distinct entities, GiG is positioning itself to leverage specialized strategies that cater to the unique needs of its Media and Platform businesses. The proposed board members’ varied expertise reflects GiG’s ambition to drive innovation, ensure regulatory compliance, and pursue global expansion. As GiG moves forward with these significant changes, the iGaming community watches with anticipation, recognizing the potential impact on the industry’s competitive landscape and future growth trajectories.