Date: 06.11.2023

by Mateusz Mazur

Last update: 25.11.2023 10:42

Georgia’s Prime Minister Takes a Stand Against Gambling Surge

The Georgian government has taken decisive action in response to the burgeoning gambling sector, with Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili declaring a significant tax increase.

Tax Hike on Gambling Operations

This move will see gambling business taxes ascend to 15 percent, a notable jump from the previous 10 percent.

Additionally, a higher levy of 5 percent will be introduced for cash withdrawals from these ventures, marking an increase from the initial 2 percent rate.

Future Budget and Societal Concerns

Prime Minister Garibashvili announced that these tax increases are anticipated to inject an additional ₾700 million into the state coffers by 2024.

Beyond fiscal matters, he shared a personal note of “sadness” regarding the sector’s expansion and the continued involvement of a “large number” of Georgian citizens in gambling, despite regulatory efforts.

A Response to Gambling Growth

The rationale behind this stringent financial adjustment lies in the stark growth the gambling industry has experienced within Georgia’s borders.

From an already hefty ₾48 billion to a staggering ₾52 billion in 2022, the Prime Minister branded these statistics as “catastrophic.”

Despite previous governmental efforts to rein in gambling enthusiasm – including advertising bans and age restrictions – a significant portion of the population remains engaged in gambling activities.

Our Comment on the Article

The Georgian Prime Minister’s stance is a bold reflection of the government’s growing concern over the social and economic impacts of the gambling industry.

By increasing the tax burden on this sector, the authorities aim not only to augment state revenue but also potentially to deter the gambling fervor that has swept across the nation.

The Prime Minister’s comments underscore a palpable tension between economic gains and societal well-being, highlighting the delicate balancing act governments must perform in regulating industries like gambling.

It will be intriguing to monitor how these tax hikes influence the industry’s growth trajectory and whether they will achieve the intended social and economic outcomes.