Date: 12.09.2023

by Maciej Akimow

Last update: 13.12.2023 02:57

Introducing the iGaming Sword Awards Presented by iGaming Express

In an industry that thrives on innovation and progression, iGaming Express proudly introduces a new benchmark – The iGaming Sword Awards. This accolade is designed to reflect the best practices, groundbreaking initiatives, and the transformative power of influential business strategies within the iGaming sector.

Drawing inspiration from symbols of strength and resilience, the iGaming Sword Awards delve deep into facets often overlooked. By emphasizing areas such as social responsibility, diversity, and the broader influence on the industry, we aim to bring a holistic approach to industry recognition, setting these awards apart.

Key Dates to Remember

October 7th – Unveiling of Award Categories

Our categories are curated meticulously, echoing both the broad and niche segments of the iGaming industry, and commending those driving positive change.

November 13th – Announcement of Nominees

Achieved through a comprehensive selection process involving the astute insights of the iGaming Express board of editors, invaluable feedback from our expansive readership, and expertise from our esteemed category partners.

December 13th – The Grand Digital Ceremony

In a world where virtual has become the new real, our award presentation is designed to make each recipient feel valued and recognized. The tangible testament to this? A finely crafted statue to each awardee.

Collaboration at its Best

In synergy with our soon-to-be-disclosed partners and sponsors, the Sword Awards aim to elevate industry standards. By intertwining their visions with ours, we ensure a harmonious approach towards recognizing excellence. Furthermore, in our quest for inclusivity, we’re opening the doors for public voting in specific award categories, making it a truly community-driven initiative.

Stay Updated: The iGaming Express Way

For regular updates, insights, and detailed proceedings related to the iGaming Sword Awards, bookmark We’re also developing an exclusive portal dedicated to award insights, ensuring our audience gets a 360-degree view of the event. Join us in this pioneering initiative, as we strive to redefine and uplift standards in the iGaming sector.

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