Date: 16.02.2024

by Antoni Majewski

Kindred Group Champions Gender Diversity in Tech with Sponsorships at Women in Tech Sweden

In a commendable show of continuous support for gender diversity in the technology sector, Kindred Group plc has proudly announced its eighth consecutive partnership with Women in Tech Sweden, set to participate in the upcoming conference on April 17 in Stockholm. As a Co-Creating Partner, Kindred aligns with the non-profit organization’s mission to inspire women to both enter and remain within the tech industry.

This year’s conference theme, “Connect, Create, Innovate,” resonates deeply with Kindred’s core values, emphasizing the blend of technology with human essence.

Unwavering Support for Women in Tech

Since its inception in 2014, Women in Tech Sweden has evolved into the largest tech conference in Scandinavia, creating a significant platform and community movement. Kindred’s ongoing commitment to the event underlines the importance of fostering an inclusive environment in the tech industry.

Prachi Arya, Talent Acquisition Tech Development and Women in Tech-general at Kindred Group, highlighted the invaluable opportunities for networking and direct engagement: “The mission of Women in Tech is to inspire women to choose a career in technology – and to keep those already in the industry which is as equal important. Being a part of this event and supporting this mission is very important for us at Kindred Group.

There is a reason why we keep on supporting Women in Tech Sweden – the networking, the conversations and the face to face-meetings are invaluable and something we at Kindred truly enjoy.”

Crafting Tech with Human Essence

This year’s underlying theme, “Crafting Tech with Human Essence,” aims to shed light on the significance of human touch in technology. The event seeks to showcase how every digital creation carries the imprint of human creativity and ingenuity, emphasizing the importance of diversity in driving innovation.

The partnership between Kindred and Women in Tech Sweden exemplifies a shared vision for a more diverse and inclusive tech industry. Åsa Johansen, Director of Women in Tech, stressed the long-term benefits of diversity in team-building, noting that varied perspectives lead to the development of superior services and products.

Kindred’s consistent support as a loyal partner is a testament to their dedication to fostering an inclusive industry landscape.

In Conclusion: A Step Towards Balanced Representation

Kindred Group’s continued sponsorship of Women in Tech Sweden is more than just a partnership; it’s a statement of their commitment to gender diversity and inclusion in the tech industry.

By supporting initiatives that encourage women to pursue and persist in tech careers, Kindred is helping to pave the way for a more balanced and innovative future in technology. As we look forward to the outcomes of this year’s conference, it’s clear that such collaborations are pivotal in driving the change towards a more inclusive tech world.