Date: 29.02.2024

by Mateusz Mazur

KSA Reports Significant Decrease in Suspicious Sports Competitions in 2023

The Kansspelautoriteit (KSA), the Dutch gaming authority, has unveiled its 2023 match-fixing report, revealing a notable decline in the number of suspicious sports competitions reported by operators.

The report shows a steep 85% reduction in reported incidents, dropping from 40 in the previous year to just six in 2023, despite the introduction of two new reporting categories aimed at further safeguarding the integrity of sports betting.

Enhanced Vigilance Yet Decreased Reports

The addition of ‘offering bets on potentially risky matches’ and ‘offering banned betting options’ to the existing categories of ‘unusual betting patterns’ and ‘involvement in a match and/or competition’ was expected to increase vigilance.

However, the sharp decline in reports suggests a potential lack of awareness among operators about their reporting obligations to the Sports Betting Intelligence Unit (SBIU).

Efforts to Combat Problem Gambling and Match Fixing

The KSA has been proactive in addressing issues within the gambling industry, exemplified by its recent actions against illegal gambling site affiliates and the publication of its 2024 agenda. Under its ‘Safe Play’ mission, the KSA aims to continue its efforts to ensure a secure and fair gambling environment in the Netherlands.

Despite the decrease in reports, a significant portion of the six incidents in 2023 originated from external sources, raising concerns about operators’ awareness and compliance with reporting mandates. The KSA stresses the importance of educating licensed providers about their legal obligations to report any indications of match manipulation immediately.

Our Comment on the Article

The KSA’s 2023 report on match fixing presents a paradoxical situation where a significant decrease in reported suspicious sports competitions could either signify a positive trend towards cleaner sports betting or highlight a concerning gap in awareness and compliance among operators. The authority’s emphasis on the need for increased vigilance and reporting underscores the ongoing challenge of maintaining the integrity of sports betting.

As the KSA continues its efforts to foster a safer gambling environment, the cooperation and active participation of licensed providers will be crucial in combating match fixing and ensuring the sustainability of fair play in the industry.