Date: 16.09.2024

by Mateusz Mazur

Last update: 18.09.2024 11:37

Player retention: breaking free from the bonus trap

Player retention is one of the crucial challenges that online casino and betting platform operators continuously strive to solve. In the race for player loyalty, operators often overlook the real reasons players stay longer and spend more. Unfortunately, many operators still build retention strategies around isolated bonus activities, which in the long term not only fail to generate profit but also drain financial resources.

For a long time, player bonuses were considered the holy grail of retention and seemed like the perfect solution at first glance. The reality, however, is quite different. It’s time for a little “cut the crap” when it comes to retention and the role of bonuses. In this article, we will examine the true reasons why players stick with a casino longer or leave it forever.

Breaking the bonus cycle

The vicious cycle of bonuses is rooted in the misconception that these promotions will increase player loyalty and retention. After seeing a temporary spike in user activity, casinos often begin to rely solely on these tactics. The problem is that over time, players begin to view these offers as standard rather than exceptional benefits. Instead of building loyalty, casinos become dependent on regular promotions to keep their users active.

Operators often forget that “bonus hunters” are not loyal users. These are individuals who register on the platform, make minimal deposits, take advantage of the promotion, and quickly leave in search of better offers elsewhere.

These players rarely engage in long-term gameplay, do not develop a brand attachment, and typically do not generate consistent revenue for the operator; their lifetime value (LTV) is significantly lower than the cost of acquiring them. In the highly competitive iGaming sector, nearly every platform offers similar bonuses, making them less of a retention tool and more of an expensive necessity, thus perpetuating the vicious cycle.

The good news is that it’s possible not only to break this cycle but also to gain a competitive advantage and genuinely impact player retention, while simultaneously attracting new customers and strengthening the brand.

Player retention. Who are we trying to retain?

Player retention depends on how well operators take care of their players. This involves understanding what drives their engagement and what frustrates and discourages them. Accurately addressing every aspect of a player’s personality and motivation helps increase the LTV of platform users. Below, we outline six universal player traits and motivators that should guide marketing activities, customer service, system design, and platform stability to improve retention.

Player motivators

  1. Seeking thrills
  2. Impulsivity and risk appetite
  3. Need for recognition, low self-esteem
  4. Cognitive optimism
  5. Low tolerance for frustration
  6. Problem avoidance

Stop hindering yourself

Instead of blaming low loyalty and high competition for poor performance, look inwardly at your platform, teams, and processes. Reflecting on the six key player motivators can help plan specific actions on your platform that quickly improve retention while simultaneously enhancing SEO and brand perception.

First, do no harm

Let’s start by addressing the factors that frustrate players (motivator 5) the most: platform errors, slow page loading, and compatibility issues with different devices and screen resolutions. Operators must maintain the entire infrastructure of their platforms, plan and expand server environments for data security, geolocation, and handling traffic surges. A casino should be operational 24/7. Continuous platform monitoring, regular technical audits, tailored SLAs, along with technical support guaranteed response times, are essential. This prevents players with low frustration tolerance from becoming disillusioned, making them more likely to return and even recommend the platform.

If the platform poses entry barriers to users, how can loyalty be expected? It’s essential to use player behavior research to optimize critical processes to meet their needs. Tools like external analytics, UX audits, UX research, and mystery shopper tests can identify “blockers” that diminish profits and popularity among players.

We often associate UX and player retention processes solely with registration, login, and deposit withdrawal paths. While these are important, the user support process significantly impacts retention. Issues will arise, but the key is to react appropriately. We’re not talking about UX only in the context of building a website or a problem reporting interface. We are mainly talking about the human side of the process. It’s about the right approach to the player, tailored to the situation with a full understanding of the user’s behavior and emotions. A well-planned user support process (integrating frontdesk with IT teams) results in proper and prompt problem-solving, avoiding player frustration and, instead, enhancing their sense of importance (motivator 6 ). Players feel valued.

Look and notice

Once the platform’s infrastructure is secure, addressing player motivators becomes ideal. Seeking challenges, openness to risk, and cognitive optimism are traits that casinos should harness (motivators 1,2,3,4) . The next step is merging a stable platform with data analysis and marketing activities. Well-defined automations, marketing campaigns, personalization, and bonus actions that aren’t mere end goals but dedicated tools will inspire players to explore more facets of the platform. This satisfies their need for discovery, preventing them from turning to competitors.

Stop assuming players return to a casino simply because they ‘like’ the brand. They return because they enjoy the feelings that accompany playing on that platform. It’s how the platform makes them feel that matters.

Efficient infrastructure, intuitive interface, and seamless systems make players feel like experts – everything is understood, everything works well. Efficient support processes activate a sense of “importance.” The player’s ego grows. This is crucial for them, along with their expertise and emotions from games and proper gamification, prompting them to return.

The golden era of bonuses is OVER

It’s time to stop viewing bonuses as a cure-all for retention issues. The key to retention lies in user experience, maintaining a stable and secure system, offering personalized experiences, and fostering long-term relationships with players. Investing in understanding players’ true needs, instead of just offering more promotions, is the path to building a loyal community and increasing long-term profits.