Date: 11.10.2023

by Mateusz Mazur

Last update: 25.11.2023 10:46

Rivalry Launches Custom-Branded Slots Category on Casino Platform

Rivalry Corp., a leading sportsbook and iGaming operator targeting Millennials and Gen Z, has introduced a custom-branded slots category on its interactive casino platform, Casino.exe.


This move marks Rivalry’s foray into the online casino segment, which has quickly become a significant source of player activity and revenue.

Slots as a Popular Casino Genre

Slots are among the most popular online casino games, and Rivalry’s entry into this genre is expected to enhance its iGaming offering. The inclusion of more than two dozen slot-style games is designed to capture and retain a larger iGaming audience, which is estimated to be approximately 14% larger than the online sports betting audience on a global basis.

Rivalry Slots offers a unique and custom-branded page within the Casino.exe platform. The design draws inspiration from early-2000s internet aesthetics, creating a visually distinct and nostalgic environment for users. Interactive elements and hidden surprises are integrated to enhance the overall entertainment value of the betting experience.

Differentiating the Product Experience

The introduction of Rivalry Slots aligns with the company’s product philosophy of creating fundamentally entertaining experiences. By combining ordinary casino games with design nostalgia, Rivalry aims to appeal to a younger Millennial and Gen Z audience while setting its offering apart from other online casinos.

Rivalry’s slots category is currently available in most of its international markets, with plans to launch in Ontario in the coming weeks. This strategic expansion into the online casino segment is expected to boost player engagement and contribute to the company’s revenue growth.

In summary, Rivalry’s introduction of a custom-branded slots category on its casino platform is aimed at capturing and retaining a larger iGaming audience, particularly Millennials and Gen Z, by providing a unique and entertaining betting experience.