Date: 02.04.2024

by Kajetan Sawicz

Slovakia’s Gambling Landscape: Insights and Impacts

Slovakia’s gambling industry witnessed significant activity in 2023, with the Office of the Regulation of Gambling reporting that gamblers placed bets totaling €21.4 billion throughout the year. This staggering figure highlights the vibrant gambling scene in the country, with €20.4 billion returned to players in winnings.

Online Dominance and Tax Contributions

The preference for online gambling was unmistakably clear, with 90% of bets being placed through digital platforms across various verticals. This trend underscores the growing inclination towards the convenience and accessibility of online gambling options. The sector’s contribution to the national treasury was substantial, with over €301 million paid in taxes, marking a significant increase from the previous year. Notably, online gaming taxes accounted for €93 million, with fixed odds betting terminals and land casinos contributing €80.48 million and €61.9 million, respectively.

The tax regime for gambling operators in Slovakia varies, with online casinos and fixed odds betting terminals taxed at 22%, whereas land casinos face a higher rate of 27% on gross gaming revenues. The regulatory body also projected a potential decline in land casino revenues due to stricter gambling restrictions in certain regions, pointing towards a shift in the gambling landscape.

Crackdown on Illegal Gambling

The regulator has been proactive in addressing illegal gambling activities through numerous inspections targeting both online and land-based operators. Martin Bohoš, the director general of the regulatory body, emphasized the delicate balance local governments must maintain to avoid driving gamblers towards unregulated markets.

He advocated for a broader societal dialogue on gambling bans in major cities, highlighting the risk of escalating illegal gambling activities as a consequence of such prohibitions.

Our Comment on the Article

The robust gambling activity in Slovakia in 2023 reflects a dynamic industry that continues to evolve, heavily influenced by the shift towards online platforms. The substantial tax contributions from the sector underline its economic significance, yet the looming regulatory challenges and the crackdown on illegal operations underscore the complexities of managing a regulated gambling environment.

As Slovakia navigates these challenges, the insights from industry regulators like Martin Bohoš are crucial for fostering a balanced approach that safeguards the interests of both the state and the gambling community. The dialogue on the future of gambling in Slovakia, particularly concerning the impact of legal restrictions, remains a pivotal area for stakeholders to address collaboratively.