Date: 08.02.2023

by Mateusz Mazur

Last update: 08.02.2023 11:32

Scientific Games and Optimove to Set Gold Standard for Lottery Digital Advertising

Scientific Games has partnered with Optimove on a groundbreaking project that will pair five U.S. state lotteries with the brightest minds in internet gaming, customer engagement, loyalty and CRM for each of them to optimize their paid social media campaigns with customized data-driven strategies.

Combination of market leaders

Scientific Games, the global leader in digital lottery innovation, lottery games and technology, and Optimove, the first Customer-Led Marketing Platform, will work with the state lotteries over a six-month media buying period to build long-term, impactful marketing programs on social media platforms, including Facebook, using first-party customer data via a direct Optimove-Meta platform integration.

Scientific Games will bring its lottery expertise and industry-specific insight to the project, and Optimove will provide professional services focused on strategic CRM ideation, customer behavior, and first-party data insight to reach target audiences on social platforms.

This combination of market leaders ensures best-in-class ideation, implementation, and measurement of advanced digital marketing practices. The project is set to define best practices for harnessing the power of first-party-based digital advertising for the acquisition, retention and lifetime optimization of customers in the lottery sector.

Joining of forces

Merv Huber, Sr. Director, Digital Growth for Scientific Games, said, “Most government-run lotteries operate with finite advertising budgets and limited resources, while still expected to responsibly grow market share and increase revenue in very competitive environments. This first-of-its-kind collaboration will provide participating lotteries with industry-specific data, insights and services that they typically don’t have access to.

This project will set and launch digital advertising best practices to help lotteries achieve their business goals as well as establish standards to support the lottery industry’s long-term growth.”

The project is slated to begin in April 2023 and run through September.

Rony Vexelman, VP of Marketing at Optimove, said, “This joining of forces by leading experts in their respective fields offers exciting prospects for the future of lottery digital advertising. Brands must realize that to succeed in digital advertising they must leverage their first-party data as an integral part of their strategies. Together, for the first time ever, we will be able to set a digital advertising gold standard and help the industry realize the full potential of our impactful CRM tools.”

Under the direct guidance of data scientists and strategic services divisions at Scientific Games and Optimove, the participating lotteries will be able to build custom audiences for highly specialized, paid social media campaigns. The lotteries will appoint their team leads and allocate a portion of their existing digital advertising budget to the project with no additional cost for the expertise or platform tools.

At the end of the project, Scientific Games, Optimove and participating lotteries plan to present insights gained and share best practices at industry conferences and through other collaborative opportunities with lotteries worldwide.