Date: 01.02.2024

by Mateusz Mazur

Entain Seeks Compensation from BetCity Over Undisclosed Regulatory Probes

Entain, a global gaming conglomerate, has initiated legal action seeking compensation from BetCity, alleging the Dutch brand failed to disclose ongoing regulatory investigations during their acquisition.

The acquisition, completed in January 2023 for €450 million, marked Entain’s entry into the Dutch market, with BetCity being among the first ten licensees.

Undisclosed Investigations Lead to Legal Claim

Over a year into the integration of BetCity into Entain’s portfolio, undisclosed regulatory investigations by the Dutch Kansspelautoriteit (KSA) have come to light, prompting Entain to file a claim for damages.

According to documents reviewed by, Entain contends it was unaware of two significant regulatory cases against BetCity at the time of purchase, contrary to the assurances provided by BetCity’s former owners.

Financial Repercussions and Entain’s Stance

The investigations in question culminated in fines imposed by the KSA on BetCity, which were settled by the brand’s previous owners. Nonetheless, Entain argues that the undisclosed investigations should have led to a lower valuation of BetCity, and is now seeking financial redress for the oversight.

Our Comment on the Entain-BetCity Dispute

The unfolding dispute between Entain and BetCity underscores the critical importance of transparency and due diligence in acquisition deals within the iGaming industry.

This situation highlights the potential pitfalls and financial implications of undisclosed regulatory issues, emphasizing the need for thorough investigation and clear communication between parties in business transactions. As the case progresses, it serves as a cautionary tale for companies in the sector, reinforcing the value of integrity and openness in all business dealings.