Date: 31.03.2023

by Jakub Leśniak

Leading Operator in Brazilian Market Pens New Deal with Fast Track

Fast Track, the industry-leading customer engagement platform, is delighted to announce a new deal with, one of the largest operators operating within the Brazilian market.

Leading customer engagement platform

Fast Track’s industry-leading customer engagement platform, now bolstered even further through the integration of OpenAI, offers unparalleled capabilities for real-time data analysis and personalised player experiences, making them the perfect partner for to drive their player engagement and retention efforts with a real-time-data-driven approach.

Commenting on the new partnership, Fast Track CCO Jean-Luc Ferriere said: “We are thrilled to be partnering with and supporting them in their efforts to take their player engagement to the next level. Our powerful customer engagement platform will provide with the tools they need to create personalised experiences for their players, drive loyalty, and ultimately grow their business.”

Innovative and effective solutions

Khatlen Guse, Vice President of added: “We are excited to be working with Fast Track and leveraging their cutting-edge technology to improve our player engagement and retention efforts. We believe this partnership will help us achieve our growth objectives in the Brazilian market and deliver exceptional, hyper-personalised experiences to our players.”

With a reputation for delivering innovative and effective solutions, Fast Track is the ideal partner for as it continues to expand its operations in the Brazilian market. The new deal is set to drive significant value for both companies and create new opportunities for growth in the years to come.