Date: 11.12.2023

by Mateusz Mazur

Staatsloterij’s New Campaign: Choosing Love Over Fortune

In a world where the allure of a big win often overshadows simpler joys, Staatsloterij’s latest campaign for the Oudejaarstrekking 2023 brings a heartwarming twist.

This unique campaign narrates the journey of a young man who discovers that true happiness isn’t found in monetary gain but in life’s genuine moments.

A Time-Traveling Tale of Love and Choice

The campaign, premiering tonight on television, tells a captivating story. A young man, wandering past an advertisement for the Oudejaarstrekking, is drawn into an antique shop where he encounters a machine resembling a time machine.

As he fiddles with it, he’s whisked away to different future scenarios with a recurring theme – a life shared with a loving woman. This series of time-traveling experiences leads him to a pivotal moment back in 2023, where he must choose between a lottery ticket and the chance at real love.

Following the footsteps of its successful commercials like last year’s father-son adventure, Staatsloterij continues to touch hearts.

Michael Kastelijns from Staatsloterij explains, “Each year, we aim to strike a chord with the Dutch people by showcasing that winning 30 million is the second-best prize. The most important is being happy with our loved ones.” This sentiment forms the crux of their campaigns.

“Believe in Luck”: A Reminder of What Truly Matters

The commercial, titled “Geloof in geluk,” encourages viewers to reflect on what brings genuine happiness. Staatsloterij, through its series of memorable end-of-year commercials featuring characters like Frekkel the dog and Frummel the cat, has consistently highlighted the message that some things in life are more valuable than winning the jackpot.

This year’s campaign, crafted by the advertising agency TBWA\NEBOKO, is not just an ad but a narrative that resonates with values deeper than material success.

Anouk Zink, Managing Director at TBWA\NEBOKO, shares, “Our Oudejaarscampagne is both a highlight for Staatsloterij and a challenge to showcase the beauty and relevance of our field. We strive to create campaigns that are moving and disruptive, resonating with and inspiring people.”

Our Comment on the Article

Staatsloterij’s new campaign for the Oudejaarstrekking 2023 is a poignant reminder of the timeless truth that true happiness often lies in the intangible joys of life, like love and companionship. In an age where the pursuit of wealth and success can easily dominate our aspirations, this narrative is a refreshing and much-needed perspective shift.

It’s not just about selling lottery tickets; it’s about inspiring a deeper contemplation of what makes life genuinely fulfilling. Staatsloterij, through this creative and emotive storytelling, redefines the essence of luck and fortune, encouraging us to ponder what we truly cherish and seek in our lives.