Date: 08.08.2023

by Mateusz Mazur

Victorian Gambling Commission Takes Strong Stance Against Betting on Minors in Sports

The Victorian Gambling and Casino Control Commission (VGCCC) has taken a resolute step to protect the integrity of sports and the welfare of minors by banning all forms of betting on under-19 sports competitions. In an official announcement, the VGCCC highlighted their concerns over potential integrity issues and gambling-related harm tied to allowing betting on minors.

Significant risk

In their letters addressed to major sports governing bodies and sports betting providers, the VGCCC emphasized that permitting such betting activities on minors contradicts the public interest and poses significant risks. The commission is worried about the vulnerability of minors to approaches aimed at compromising the integrity of sporting events and the normalizing of gambling in events involving children.

The comprehensive ban encompasses several key points:

  • Betting on sporting events involving solely minors.
  • Betting on sporting events for under-19s.
  • Betting on individual player performance in both junior and senior sports if the player is under 18.
  • Offering bets on outcomes such as ‘first goal of the game’ or ‘most disposals’ for individual players under 18.

The VGCCC has called upon sports controlling bodies and betting providers to modify their agreements and practices to adhere to these new regulations. Failure to comply within 60 days may result in severe consequences, including the revocation of approval for sports controlling bodies and legal action against betting providers.

Maintaining the integrity

Fran Thorn, Chair of VGCCC, stressed the importance of safeguarding minors and maintaining the integrity of sports events “The idea that it is okay to bet on minors just doesn’t stand up. We think minors deserve to be protected. It also raises integrity issues, with the prospect of people attempting to influence how minors might behave playing sport.”

“If sports controlling bodies and betting providers do not comply with this decision we will take action, which may include revoking our approval of sports controlling bodies and prosecuting betting providers.”

The VGCCC’s decision marks a significant effort to ensure the protection of minors in the context of sports betting. By prohibiting betting on individual minors’ performances and limiting the types of bets allowed, the commission aims to create a safer environment for both sports and their young participants.