Date: 10.11.2023

by Mateusz Mazur

Last update: 25.11.2023 10:41

Strategic Alliance: FDJ and CWL Chart a New Course

In a recent bilateral meeting at their headquarters, La Française des Jeux (FDJ) and China Welfare Lottery (CWL) have signed a new strategic cooperation agreement.

Strategic Alliance: FDJ and CWL Chart a New Course

This move builds upon the strategic memorandums of understanding that were signed in 2010 and 2013, marking a significant step in their ongoing partnership.

Knowledge Sharing and Sustainable Gaming

The core of this enhanced collaboration is a knowledge-sharing initiative which will manifest as annual seminars.

These sessions will focus on the gaming market, particularly responsible gaming practices. Both FDJ and CWL have jointly identified key thematic priorities including responsible gaming, corporate social responsibility (CSR) policies, innovation best practices, diversification of activities, management of sales points and distribution channels, and the security and integrity of games.

Our Comment on the Article

This strengthened alliance between FDJ, a global leader in its field, and CWL, particularly following FDJ’s recent acquisition of Premier Lotteries Ireland (PLI), underlines FDJ’s strategic ambition to become a prominent international player.

This collaboration not only promotes responsible gaming and innovation but also signifies a significant step towards global expansion and sustainable practices in the gaming industry. The focus on shared knowledge and responsible gaming practices sets a positive precedent for the industry, reflecting a commitment to ethical and sustainable growth.